13 January, 2019

OMGAM 2019

Tam is running a contest called "One Micro-rpg Game A Month".

It isn't a challenge in the sense that it is a contest, rather it is a challenge to get it done.  Like a NaNoWriMo full of tiny sprints, all year long.

I like tiny sprints.  It is something easy to find time for, and produces satisfaction from immediate results like modern media has conditioned me to expect.  It also feeds into other work.  Cross-trains with other skill sets.  Creates a constant stream of deliverables, and a pool of creative ideas that might turn into larger projects.

Because it isn't any kind of contest, it feels more appropriate to solicit feedback on work-in-progress.  That means that each new concept is its own little development effort that other people in the game design community can feed back on.

It is even being run on a Git Pages site, so that feedback and revisions can be built into the submission process.

I'm keeping my own contributions over here, feel free to comment on them

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