15 April, 2021

Dishes need washing...

Oops, I stopped doing that thing that I started.  The current state of the world and global pandemic not withstanding, it is well past time to get back to it.

I actually did complete one micro-game a month back in 2019, the ones that are in pure markdown are over on github and some that are fully formatted are on my itch.io page with the tag #omgam2019 and I'm indexing blog posts here with a similar tag.

Right now there are not many of those posts, but I'll be making more regularly here until I unpack each of the games.  Some don't need much unpacking, others will get a few more words.

As I go, I will ensure that each game has a markdown formatted outline over on the github repo.  Some of the games that don't currently have a print layout will receive one, at least minimally.  And others might get revisions, updates, and expansions.

All of them will get a few words of explication here, accompanied by meandering tangents.

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