02 January, 2024

52 Pickup

Thanks to Pope Gregory, 2024 conforms with ISO-8601 and begins 01 January on a Monday.  This means we have a perfectly ordered year of exactly 52 weeks, each starting on Monday and ending on Sunday just as ordained by the ISO Technical Committee in 1988 -- as long as we ignore the dangling 0.2857 weeks following 29 December.

What to do with these 52 perfect weeks?  I have been thinking a lot about restarting some back-burner software projects.  The community at r/roguelikedev/ is running their annual "Year in RoguelikeDev" event, with the tag [2024 in RoguelikeDev].  This event has catalyzed that interest and provided a form for how I will restart some of those projects and use these 52 weeks.  In the spirit of Ryan's now famous "No more zero days" philosophy, I'm making the baby-step commitment of no zero weeks for 2024.

From a creative standpoint, 2023 was a zero-year.  I'm not satisfied continuing to sail through middle age with life divided solely between profession and leisure.  I am restarting some of my old creative works and will have weekly updates every week for 52 weeks.  

I wont make any commitments about quality or volume of content, or even that all the updates will be on a single topic or project.  But I do commit to the cadence, and I'll try to push some code to a roguelike development project each week, but I might not.  I might instead do some work on project planning or feature grooming, or I might get distracted for a month and spend four weeks developing a bespoke time tracking system that I quickly abandon.

I can't promise what the creative content will be exactly, but I can commit that there will be some a random grab-bag of progress every week for each of the 52 weeks in 2024.

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